

After Murilo Mendes’ death, in 1975, in Lisbon, his widow Maria da Saudade Cortesão Mendes donated the poet’s library to the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, costituting over 2,800 books.


With the transfer to Brazil of part of the poet’s visual arts collection, the Murilo Mendes Study Center was created, located at the former Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature of UFJF.


The Murilo Mendes Art Museum was founded on December 20th, guided by the principles of preservation, conservation and dissemination of the writer’s bibliographic, documentary and visual arts collections. Since then, MAMM has established itself as a museum institution of excelency on the literary and visual arts as well as on local and regional memory, focused on research and studies about the nature and works of the poet Murilo Mendes.


The Ministry of Culture, through the Brazilian Insitute of Museums, recognizes the insitution Murilo Mendes Art Museum, with the identification code, through the criteria laid down by the first article of the Statute of Museums, Law no. 11.904, of January 14th, 2009.

MAMM received the seal of “Certified Museum”. This document confirms that this institution contributes to the National Policies for Museums regarding development and monitoring of the building.